Lake Lanier Poker Run 2019
Lake Lanier’s Barkley Geib could be called the “grandfather of the poker run.” After all, for 10 years he ran the nation’s largest Poker Run at Lanier Harbor Marina (from 1994-2003), consistently bringing more than 300 boats to Lake Lanier for a weekend in August and raising money for charity. Lake Lanier Association’s annual Shore Sweep will take place on September 26 for the benefit of Lake Lanier and all that enjoy its beauty. Hundreds of volunteers come together for one BIG day of getting their hands dirty — literally. While there likely will still be plenty of pirates on Lake Lanier in mid-July, the annual Pirates of Lanier Charity Poker Run has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo courtesy Lanier Partners of North Georgia. The Pirates of Lanier Charity Poker Run is an annual event held on Lake Lanier is Georgia that helps raise money for 3 charities around the state of Georgia.
Lake Lanier Poker Run 2019
As a board, Lanier Partners/Pirates of Lanier has decided, with regret, to cancel the Poker Run this year. With the uncertainty of the challenging and changing situation of COVID-19 and our goal to ensure the health and safety of our supporters, volunteers and the community, we have not made this decision lightly.
Lake Lanier 2019 Poker Run Pictures
Recent spikes in June across the country, including several states in the Southeast, the issue of people traveling from out of town and the very active agenda we had...
MoreLake Lanier Pirate Poker Run 2019
As a board, Lanier Partners/Pirates of Lanier has decided, with regret, to cancel the Poker Run this year. With the uncertainty of the challenging and changing situation of COVID-19 and our goal to ensure the health and safety of our supporters, volunteers and the community, we have not made this decision lightly.
Recent spikes in June across the country, including several states in the Southeast, the issue of people traveling from out of town and the very active agenda we had...