What Eats Blackjack Oak

Horned oak galls can be found on pin, scrub, black, blackjack, and water oaks while gouty oak galls occur on scarlet, red, pin or black oak. These galls have a long and complex development that takes two or more years to develop.

Key to Checklist


c = Common—characteristic and dominant
f = Frequent—generally encountered
o = Occasional—well distributed, but nowhere abundant
i = Infrequent—scattered locales throughout park
s = Scarce—several locales or scattered small populations
r = Rare—l or 2 locales, small populations
vr =Very rare—single locale, few individuals
h = Historic—documented in park’s flora, but not seen for at least 50 years
x = Believed extirpated, or not seen for at least 50 years

Acorns grow on oak trees, and there are hundreds of unique species of oak trees. So that means, there is a vast variety of acorns available in the world. So not all acorns are the same. Each specific acorns have a different ratio of fat/carbs/protein. This ratio helps determines the best way to process them into a food source. This hybrid cross of two oaks in the White Oak family produces a sweet acorn consumed by all wildlife, and preferred by whitetails. The parent tree exhibits a very large acorn, nearly twice the size I normally see with this hybrid, and recently produced over 1000 pounds of acorns! The blackjack oak (Q. Marilandica), a cover tree on sandy soils in eastern North America, is about 9 to 15 m tall, with leaves that bear three lobes at the wide apex; they are glossy and dark green above, rusty and hairy below. Timber from all members of the red oak group is called “red oak” in the lumber trade. Bark of a medium-sized tree. Orange Co., NC 4/12/08. Staminate flowers with Blackjack Oak tree in background. Orange Co., NC 4/12/08.

lo = Low elevations—850’-2,500’
mid = Middle elevations—2,500’~4,500’
hi = High elevations—4,500’-6,600’
wr = Wide range of elevations
hs =Found near old homesites

*Non-native species


Abies fraseriFraser fir c, hi
Acer leucodermechalk maple s, lo
Acer negundobox-elder f, lo
*Acer platanoidesNorway maple x, hs
Acer rubrum var. rubrumred maple c, wr
Acer rubrum var. trilobumtrident maple s, lo
Acer saccharinumsilver maple s, hs
Acer saccharumsugar maple c, wr
Aesculus flavayellow buckeye c, wr
*Ailanthus altissimatree-of-heaven s, lo
*Albizia julibrissinmimosa o, lo
Betula alleghaniensisyellow birch c, wr
Betula cordifoliaheart-leaved paper birchor mountain paper birch r, mid
Betula lentablack or sweet birch o, lo-mid
Betula nigrariver birch o, lo-mid
*Betula pendulaEuropean weeping birch r, mid
Carpinus carolinianaAmerican hornbeam, ironwood or blue beech c, lo-mid
Carya albamockernut hickory c, lo-mid
Carya carolinae-septentrionalisCarolina shagbark hickory r, lo
Carya cordiformisbitternut hickory f, lo-mid
Carya glabrapignut hickory f, lo-mid
*Carya illinoinensispecan r, lo
Carya ovalissweet pignut hickory i, wr
Carya ovatashagbark hickory s, lo-mid
Carya pallidapale hickory s, lo
Castanea dentataAmerican chestnut o, wr (root sprouts)
*Castanea mollissimaChinese chestnut r, lo-mid
*Catalpa speciosanorthern catalpa r, lo
Celtis laevigatasmooth hackberry r, lo
Celtis occidentaliscommon hackberry r, lo
Cladrastis kentukeayellowwood i, lo-mid
Diospyros virginianapersimmon f, lo
Fagus grandifoliaAmerican beech c, wr
Fraxinus americana var americanawhite ash c, wr
Fraxinus americana var biltmoreanawhite ash s, wr
Fraxinus pennsylvanicagreen ash i, lo
Fraxinus profundapumpkin ash h, lo
Gleditsia triacanthoshoneylocust s, lo
*Gymnocladus dioicusKentucky coffee-tree r, hs
Halesia tetrapterasilverbell c, lo-mid
Juglans cinereabutternut s, lo-mid
*Juglans mandshuricaManchu walnut r, hs
Juglans nigrablack walnut o, lo-mid
Juniperus virginianared cedar o, lo
Liquidambar styracifluasweetgum f, lo
Liriodendron tulipiferatuliptreeor yellow-poplar c, lo-mid
Magnolia acuminatacucumber tree f, lo-mid
Magnolia fraseriFraser magnolia c, lo-mid
*Magnolia grandifloraSouthern magnolia h, lo
Magnolia macrophyllaBigleaf Magnolia r, lo
Magnolia tripetalaumbrella magnolia o, lo-mid
Nyssa sylvaticablack gum c, lo-mid
Ostrya virginianahop-hornbeam o, lo-mid
Oxydendrum arboreumsourwood c, lo-mid
*Paulownia tomentosaprincess tree o, lo
*Picea abiesNorway spruce r, wr
Picea rubensred spruce f, hi
Pinus echinatashort-leaf pine o, lo-mid
*Pinus palustrislong-leaf pine r, lo
Pinus pungensTable Mountain pine o, mid
Pinus rigidapitch pine c, lo-mid
Pinus strobuswhite pine f, lo-mid
Pinus taedaloblolly pine r, lo
Pinus virginianaVirginia or scrub pine c, lo-mid
Platanus occidentalissycamore f, lo-mid
*Platycladus orientalisOriental white cedar r, lo
*Populus albasilver poplar r, lo
*Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamiferabalm of Gilead r, lo
*Populus x canescensgray poplar r, hs
*Populus deltoidesEastern cottonwood r, lo
Populus grandidentatabig-toothed aspen r, lo
*Populus nigra Lombardypoplar r, hs
Prunus pensylvanicapin cherry f, mid-hi
Prunus serotinablack cherry c, wr
Quercus albawhite oak c, wr
Quercus coccineascarlet oak f, lo-mid
Quercus falcataSouthern red oak o, lo
Quercus imbricariashingle oak s, lo
Quercus marilandicablackjack oak s, lo
Quercus montanachestnut oak c, lo-mid
Quercus muhlenbergiichinkapin oak r, lo-mid
Quercus phelloswillow oak r, lo
Quercus rubra Northern red oak c, wr
Quercus stellatapost oak s, lo
Quercus velutinablack oak f, lo-mid
Robinia pseudoacaciablack locust c, lo-mid
*Salix albawhite willow r, lo
*Salix babylonicaweeping willow r, lo
Salix carolinianaCarolina willow r, lo
Salix nigrablack willow i, lo
Sassafras albidumsassafras f, lo-mid
*Thuja occidentalisNothern white cedar r, lo
Tilia americana var. americanaAmerican basswood r, mid
Tilia americana var. heterophyllawhite basswood c, lo-mid
Tsuga canadensis Eastern hemlock f, wr
Ulmus alatawinged elm o, lo
Ulmus americanaAmerican elm f, lo
*Ulmus pumilaSiberean elm r, hs
Ulmus rubraslippery elm i, lo

Small Trees

Acer pensylvanicumstriped maple or moosewood c, wr
Acer spicatummountain maple c, hi
Alnus serrulatacommon alder f, lo-mid
Amelanchier arboreahairy-leaved shadbush or serviceberry o, lo-mid
Amelanchier laevissmooth shadbush, Juneberry, or serviceberry f, lo-mid
Amelanchier sanguinearound-leaved shadbush r, lo
Aralia spinosadevil’s walking stick f, lo-mid
Asimina trilobapaw-paw o, lo
*Broussonetia papyriferapaper mulberry r, hs
Celtis tenuifoliadwarf hackberry s, lo
Cercis canadensisredbud o, lo
Cornus floridaflowering dogwood c, lo-mid
Crataegus calpodendronlimestone hawthorn s, lo
Crataegus crus-gallicock-spur hawthorn i, lo-mid
Crataegus intricataBiltmore’s hawthorn i, lo
Crataegus macrospermascarlet hawthorn f, lo-mid
Crataegus pinetorumhawthorn s, lo
Crataegus pruinosatriangle-leaved hawthorn r, lo-mid
Crataegus punctataround-leaved hawthorn r, lo
Hamamelis virginianawitch-hazel c, lo-mid
Ilex opacaAmerican holly f, lo-mid
*Maclura pomiferaosage-orange r, hs
Malus angustifoliawild crabapple r, lo
Malus coronariaNorthern crabapple r, hi
*Malus pumilaapple i, hs
*Morus albawhite mulberry r, hs
Morus rubrared mulberry o, lo
Prunus americanawild plum s, lo
Prunus angustifoliaChickasaw plum r, lo
*Prunus aviumsweet cherry r, lo
*Prunus cerasussour cherry r, hs
Prunus hortulanahortulan plum r, lo
*Prunus munsonianaMunson plum r, hs
*Prunus persicapeach r, hs
*Prunus trilobaflowering almond r, hs
*Pyrus calleryanaCallery pear r, lo
*Pyrus communispear r, hs
Sorbus americanaAmerican mountain-ash o, hi


Amelanchier stoloniferarunning serviceberry vr, lo
Amorpha fruticosafalse indigo i, lo
Amorpha glabrasmooth false indigo s, lo
Aronia arbutifoliahairy chokeberry s, wr
Aronia melanocarpablack chokeberry i, wr
Aronia X prunifoliapurple chokeberry h, lo
Arundinaria giganteacane o, lo
*Berberis thunbergiiJapanese barberry r, lo
*Berberis vulgariscommon barberry r, lo
*Buxus sempervirensboxwood i, hs
Callicarpa americanabeauty-berry r, lo
Calycanthus floridus var. glaucussweetshrub c, lo-mid
Castanea pumilaAllegheny chinkapin r, lo-mid
Ceanothus americanusNew Jersey tea o, lo
Cephalanthus occidentalisbuttonbush r, lo
*Choenomeles speciosaflowering quince r, hs
Chionanthus virginicusfringe-tree r, lo
Clethra acuminatamountain pepper-bush o, lo-mid
Cornus alternifoliaalternate-leaved dogwood f, wr
Cornus amomumsilky dogwood o, lo
Corylus americanaAmerican hazel i, lo
Corylus cornutabeaked hazel r, mid
*Cytisus scopariusScotch-broom r, hi
Diervilla loniceraNorthern bush-honeysuckle r, hi
Diervilla sessilifoliasessile-leaved bush-honeysuckle c, hi
*Elaeagnus angustifoliaRussian olive r, lo
*Euonymus alatawinged euonymus r, lo
Euonymus americanusheart’s-a-busting c, lo-mid
Euonymus atropurpureuswahoo r, lo-mid
Euonymus obovatusrunning strawberry-bush f, lo-mid
*Forsythia suspensaforsythia r, hs
*Forsythia viridissimaforsythia o, hs
Gaylussacia baccatablack huckleberry f, lo-mid
Gaylussacia ursinabear huckleberry f, lo-mid
*Hamamelis molliswitch-hazel r, lo
*Hibiscus syriacusrose-of-Sharon, or shrubby althea s, hs
Hydrangea arborescens ssp. arborescenswild hydrangea c, lo-mid
Hydrangea cinereagray-leaf hydrangea r, mid
*Hydrangea paniculatahydrangea r, hs
Hydrangea radiatawhite-leaf hydrangea o, lo-mid
Hypericum densiflorum shrubby St. John’s-wort r, lo
Hypericum hypericoides ssp. hypericoidesSt. Andrew’s cross o, lo
Hypericum hypericoides ssp. multicaulelow St. Andrew’s cross f, wr
Ilex ambiguaBeadle’s holly o, lo-mid
Ilex collinaAppalachian holly r, hi
Ilex montanamountain holly c, wr
Ilex verticillatawinterberry r, lo, hi
Itea virginicasweet-spire, tassel white s, lo
*Juniperus chinensisChinese juniper r, lo
Kalmia latifoliamountain laurel c, wr
*Kerria japonicakerria r, hs
Leiophyllum buxifoliumsand myrtle i, mid-hi
*Lespedeza bicolorJapanese lespedeza s, lo-mid
Leucothoe fontanesianadog-hobble f, wr
Leucothoe recurvadeciduous leucothoe i, mid
*Ligustrum sinensechinese privet i, lo
*Ligustrum vulgarecommon privet f, lo
Lindera benzoinspicebush f, lo-mid
Lonicera canadensisCanadian honeysuckle s, mid-hi
*Lonicera fragrantissimafragrant honeysuckle r, hs
*Lonicera korolkowiismall-leaved honeysuckle r, lo
*Lonicera maackiiamur honeysuckle s, hs
*Lonicera morrowiiMorrow’s honeysuckle s, lo
*Lonicera standishiiStandish's honeysuckle r, lo
Lyonia ligustrinamaleberry o, wr
Menziesia pilosaminniebush i, hi
*Nandina domesticanandina r, lo
Philadelphus hirsutussmall-flowered hairy mock-orange s, lo
*Philadelphus inodorus var. grandifloruslarge-flowered hairy mock-orange s, lo
Philadelphus inodorus var. strigosusmock-orange s, lo
Philadelphus sharpianusSharp’s mock-orange r, lo
Phoradendron leucarpumAmerican mistletoe o, lo-mid
Physocarpus opulifoliusninebark r, lo
Pieris floribundamountain pieris s, mid
*Poncirus trifoliatatrifoliate orange r, hs
Prunus virginianachokecherry vr, mid
Pyrularia puberabuffalo-nut, or oil-nut c, lo-mid
Rhamnus carolinianaCarolina buckthorn s, lo
Rhododendron arborescenssweet azalea s, lo & hi
Rhododendron x bakeri cumberlandazalea r, hi
Rhododendron calendulaceumflame azalea c, wr
Rhododendron catawbiensecatawba rhododendron c, mid-hi
Rhododendron maximumrosebay rhododendron c, wr
Rhododendron minussmall-leaved rhododendron f, lo & hi
Rhododendron periclymenoidespinxter-bush i, lo
Rhododendron prinophyllumpink azalea r, mid
Rhododendron viscosumclammy azalea r, hi
Rhus aromaticafragrant sumac vr, lo
Rhus copallinum var. copallinumshining or winged sumac c, lo-mid
Rhus copallinum var. latifolashining or winged sumac i, lo
Rhus glabrasmooth sumac f, lo-mid
Rhus hirtastaghorn sumac f, lo-mid
*Ribes aureum var. villosumMissouri currant r, hs
Ribes cynosbatiprickly gooseberry o, mid
Ribes glandulosumskunk currant i, hi
Ribes rotundifoliumround-leaved currant o, mid-hi
Robinia hispida var. hispidabristly locust o, lo-mid
Robinia hispida var. kelseyiKelsey’s locust r, mid
Robinia hispida var. roseaBoynton’s locust s, mid
Rosa arkansanaArkansas rose h, mid
*Rosacaninadog rose r, hs
Rosa carolinaCarolina rose s, lo-mid
*Rosacentifoliacabbage rose r, hs
*Rosaeglanteriasweetbriar s, hs
*Rosamultifloramultiflora rose o, hs
Rosapalustrisswamp rose o, lo-mid
Rosasetigeraprairie rose r, lo
*Rosawichuraianamemorial rose r, hs
Rubus allegheniensishairy blackberry f, lo
Rubus alumnusblackberry o, lo
Rubus argutushighbush blackberry f, lo
Rubus canadensissmooth blackberry f, wr
Rubus flagellarisNorthern dewberry o, lo
Rubus hispidusswamp dewberry r, lo
Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus American red raspberry s, hi
Rubus occidentalisblack raspberry o, lo
Rubus odoratuspurple-flowering raspberry o, wr
*Rubus phoenicolasiuswineberry r, lo
Rubus suusJennison’s blackberry o, lo
Rubus truxtruculent blackberry s, lo
Salix humilis var. humilisprairie willow s, lo-mid
Salix humilis var. tristisdwarf willow r, mid-hi
Salix sericeasilky willow f, wr
Sambucus canadensisAmerican elder c, lo-mid
Sambucus racemosa var. pubensred-berried elder c, wr
*Sorbus aucupariaRowan tree x, hi
*Spiraea japonicaJapanese spiraea r, hs
*Spiraea prunifoliaspiraea s, lo-mid
*Spiraea x vanhoutteiVanhoutte’s spiraea r, hs
Spiraea virginianaVirginia spiraea vr, lo
Staphylea trifoliabladdernut r, lo
Stewartia ovatamountain stewartia s, lo-mid
*Symphoricarpos orbiculatuscoralberry o, wr
Symplocos tinctoriasweetleaf x, lo
*Syringa vulgariscommon lilac r, hs
Vaccinium angustifoliumlowbush blueberry r, mid-hi
Vaccinium arboreumsparkleberry s,lo
Vaccinium corymbosumtall woodland blueberry f, lo-mid
Vaccinium erythrocarpummountain cranberry-bush o, hi
Vaccinium hirsutumhairy blueberry i, lo-mid
Vaccinium pallidumpale lowbush blueberry c, wr
Vaccinium stamineumtall deerberry c, lo-mid
Viburnum acerifoliummaple-leaved viburnum c, lo-mid
Viburnum dentatumarrow-wood s, lo-mid
*Viburnum lantanaway-faring tree r, lo
Viburnum lantanoideshobblebush, or witch-hobble c, mid-hi
Viburnum nudum var. cassinoideswild raisin o, wr
*Viburnum opulushighbush cranberry r, hs
*Viburnum plicatumChinese viburnum r, lo
Viburnum prunifoliumsmooth blackhaw s, lo
Viburnum rufidulumrusty blackhaw r, lo
Xanthorhiza simplicissimashrub yellowroot f, lo-mid
Yucca filamentosaAdam’s needle o, lo
*Zanthoxylum americanumprickly-ash r, hs


Chimaphila maculatastriped pipsissewa c, wr
Epigaea repenstrailing arbutus c, wr
Gaultheria procumbenswintergreen c, wr
Linnaea borealistwinflower h
Mitchella repenspartridgeberry c, lo-mid
Pachysandra procumbensAmerican pachysandra r, lo
*Vinca minorperiwinkle o, hs


*Ampelopsis arboreapeppervine r, lo
Ampelopsis cordataampelopsis r, lo
Aristolochia macrophyllaDutchman’s pipe c, lo-mid
Bignonia capreolatacross-vine f, lo
Campsis radicanstrumpet-creeper o, lo
*Celastrus orbiculataOriental bittersweet s, lo
Celastrus scandensclimbing bittersweet r, lo
Clematis glaucophyllawax-leaved clematis vr, lo
*Clematis ternifloraclematis r, lo
Clematis viornaleatherflower o, lo-mid
Clematis virginianavirgin’s bower f, lo
Cocculus carolinussnailseed or coralbead s, lo
Decumaria barbaraclimbing hydrangea r, lo
*Euonymus fortuneiclimbing euonymus r, lo
*Hedera helixEnglish ivy i, lo
*Lonicera japonicaJapanese honeysuckle f, lo
*Lonicera sempervirenstrumpet honeysuckle s, lo or hs
Menispermum canadensemoonseed s, lo
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia creeper c, lo-mid
*Pueraria montana var. lobatakudzu i, lo
Smilax bona-noxcatbrier r, lo
Smilax glaucaglaucous catbrier c, lo-mid
Smilax rotundifoliagreenbrier c, lo-mid
Smilax tamnoidesbristly greenbrier o, lo-mid
Toxicodendron radicanspoison ivy c, lo-mid
Vitis aestivalis var. bicolorsummer grape c, lo-mid
Vitis cinereadowny grape r, lo
Vitis labrusca L. fox grape s, lo
Vitis rotundifoliamuscadine i, lo
Vitis vulpinafrost grape f, lo-mid
*Wisteria floribundaJapanese wisteria i, lo
Wisteria frutescenswisteria s, lo


White, P.S. 1982. The Flora of Great Smoky Mountains National Park: An Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants and a Review of Previous Floristic Work. Research/Resource Management Report SER-55. National Park Service.

Taxonomy follows Kartesz, J.T. 1993 A Synonomized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. Timber Press, Portland, OR.

What Eats Blackjack Oak Lawn

General Information
Symbol: QUMA3
Group: Dicot
Family: Fagaceae
Duration: Perennial
Growth Habit: Shrub
Native Status: L48 N
Data Source and Documentation
Native, No County DataIntroduced, No County DataBoth, No County Data
Native Status:
click on a thumbnail to view an image, or see all the Quercus thumbnails at the Plants Gallery

Steve Hurst. Provided by ARS Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory. United States, DC, Washington. Usage Requirements.

W.D. Brush. Provided by National Agricultural Library. Originally from USDA Forest Service. United States, DC, Washington. Usage Requirements.


W.D. Brush. Provided by National Agricultural Library. Originally from USDA Forest Service. United States, DC, Washington. Usage Requirements.

W.D. Brush. Provided by National Agricultural Library. Originally from USDA Forest Service. United States, DC, Washington. Usage Requirements.

W.D. Brush. Provided by National Agricultural Library. Originally from USDA Forest Service. United States, MD. Usage Requirements.

E.S. Shipp. Provided by National Agricultural Library. Originally from USDA Forest Service. United States, SC. 1927. Usage Requirements.

©Robin R. Buckallew. United States, TX, Denton. Usage Requirements.

Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. 3 vols. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. Vol. 1: 620. Provided by Kentucky Native Plant Society. Scanned by Omnitek Inc. Usage Requirements.

slideshow Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report.
RankScientific Name and Common Name
KingdomPlantae – Plants
SubkingdomTracheobionta – Vascular plants
SuperdivisionSpermatophyta – Seed plants
DivisionMagnoliophyta – Flowering plants
ClassMagnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
FamilyFagaceae – Beech family
GenusQuercus L. – oak
SpeciesQuercus marilandica Münchh. – blackjack oak

The Plants Database includes the following 2 subspecies of Quercus marilandica . Click below on a thumbnail map or name for subspecies profiles.

Quercus marilandica Münchh. var. ashei Sudw.' vspace='4' hspace='4' border='0' width='168px' height='168px' onerror='this.src='/images/NoNativity.png' />
Quercus marilandica var. ashei
blackjack oak
Quercus marilandica Münchh. var. marilandica ' vspace='4' hspace='4' border='0' width='168px' height='168px' onerror='this.src='/images/NoNativity.png' />
Quercus marilandica var. marilandica
blackjack oak
Interpreting Wetland Status
More Accounts and Images
ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network (QUMA3)
CalPhotos (QUMA3)
Flora of North America (QUMA3)
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (QUMA3)
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Native Plant Information Network (QUMA3)
Native American Ethnobotany (University of Michigan - Dearborn) (QUMA3)
Native Plants Network (QUMA3)
USDA Forest Service Fire Effects Information System (QUMA3)
USF Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (QUMA3)
University of Tennessee Herbarium (Distribution) (QUMA3)
What Eats Blackjack Oak


SourceLarge MammalsSmall MammalsWater BirdsTerrestrial Birds


SourceLarge MammalsSmall MammalsWater BirdsTerrestrial Birds

Description of Values

Value ClassFoodCover
What Eats Blackjack Oak

What Eats Blackjack Oak Run